Nothing can stop two teenage girls with a bad case of Bieber Fever!
According to the UK's Daily Mirror, two Justin Bieber fans broke into the young star's room at the Hard Days and Night Hotel in Liverpool, after dressing up as part of the housekeeping staff.
"The hotel was swamped by fans all desperate to catch a glimpse of Justin, but two girls snuck in through a side entrance and stole housekeeping outfits," a source said. "After ditching their regular clothes and slipping into their new costumes they got the lift to Justin's suite and knocked on the door, calling, 'Housekeeping.' Having been allowed in, the girls began half-heartedly polishing tables and dusting surfaces."
The girls' plan seemed to be going well until they were overcome with giddiness and began taking photos of Beiber's personal items and getting into his bed. All of their excitement soon gave them away and they were found out.
"The girls, following a telling-off, were evicted from the premises," the source tells The Mirror.
Bieber, who is no stranger to aggressive fans, was reportedly "furious" by the security breach and checked out soon after.
A rep for the hotel said they had no reports of any incidents. "There was a strong police presence outside not letting in members of the public, plus we employed an extra 20 security personnel."
That may be, but you really can't put anything past those Beliebers!
Source: http://www.ivillage.com/did-two-young-fans-break-justin-biebers-hotel-room/1-a-332005